Assess Reading Rate



  • Ace Test This is a neat program! Read passages and answer questions. It then determines your reading rate!



  • My grades 1-5 reading groups always do timed fluency rereadings, but we’ve also started using Spreeder. Free version here:
You can purchase Spreeder for home use to practice building reading speed or keep using free app!
  • Copy and paste a text sample or enter the text by hand.
  • Hit the green SPREED! button.
  • Enter the speed you want and the size font via the tiny SETTINGS key on the panel ~ it has a tiny down arrow.
  • Hit SAVE and press play!  

YOUR CHILD SHOULD READ SILENTLY. Ask him/her to retell the text to check for comprehension!

Copy and paste these stories into the Spreeder app:

Jennings Test Passages (PrePrimer is Kindergarten level, Primer is beginning grade 1 level, and the rest of the passages are listed by grade level.)

Using Spreeder helps the students gain focus and confidence in tackling other texts. They are discovering that they, too, are capable of reading at a faster rate.

Here are the rate benchmarks:

Leveled chart with wpm is from the DRA2 manual from Pearson Publishing, 2006.


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